Commodore Uriah P. Levy Center
U.S. Naval Academy

Commodore Uriah P. Levy Center, U.S. Naval Academy
Annapolis, MD
Architect: Boggs and Partners
Client: Rugo Stone
Completion: 2005
Category: Religious
Project Type: Stone Engineering
Stone Type: Jerusalem Limestone
2006–MIA Pinnacle Awards -
Award of Merit, Commercial Interior
The Levy Center is a Jewish Chapel located at the U.S. Naval Academy. The architects were commissioned to design a small but heavily detailed religious space that provides a direct link to the Hebrew homeland of Israel. There was little hesitation by the designers in determining that the most appropriate material for the link was natural stone, and specifically that of which most of Israel is built, Jerusalem Stone. To strongly emphasize the link to Jerusalem, the design team provided as the primary focus of the project a 1,500sf, scaled-down replica of the Western (Wailing) Wall.
“Brilliant use of multiple finished in the Jerusalem Stone. Traditional feel rendered in contemporary materials. Nicely detailed and executed. This space looks sacred. The excellent palate of stone, wood, glass, and steel. Beautiful stone textures.”
—Rugo Stone