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Universities + Institutions

Natural Stone / Structural Projects

PICCO projects on best ranked universities list (2022)

Appleby College–
Barr Commons Renovation

Oakville, ON

Belmont University*
College of Music and Performing Arts

Nashville, TN

Carthage College–
Residential Tower

Kenosha, WI

Cornell University*
Martha Van Rensselaer Hall

Ithaca, NY

Georgetown University–
Southwest Quadrangle

Washington, DC

Johns Hopkins University*
(Hardscape Improvements)

Baltimore, MD

Kenyon College–Library
Gambier, OH

Lehigh University–
Health, Science & Technology Building

Bethlehem, PA

Northwestern University–
Tech AB Infill

Evanston, IL

Princeton University*
Lewis Centre for the Arts

Princeton, NJ


Rice University*

Performing Arts Center

Houston, TX


Sacred Heart University–Bobby Valentine Health &Recreation Center

Fairfield, CT

Seneca College–
Markham Campus

Toronto, ON

South Dakota State University–
Performing Arts Center

Brooking, SD

Stanford University*
Institute for Economic Policy Research

Stanford, CA

Stockton University–
Academic Quad Expansion

Atlantic City, NJ

Temple University–
Charles Library

Philadelphia, PA

University of Alabama–
Shelby Biomedical Research Building

Tuscaloosa, AL


University of Pennsylvania*

Perry World House

Philadelphia, PA

University of Minnesota–
McNamara Alumni Centre

Minneapolis, MN
*2001 Award of Merit–
Marble Institute of America


University of Regina—

College Avenue Campus Renewal

Regina, SK


University of Saskatchewan—Collaborative Science

Research Building

Saskatoon, SK


University of Toronto–

St. George Campus,

Muzzo Family Alumni Hall

Toronto, ON

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA


University of Waterloo–
School of Pharmacy

Waterloo, ON


University of Western Ontario–

Richard Ivey School of Business

London, ON

University of Windsor–
Windsor Star Building

Windsor, ON

Ursinus College–
Parlee Center for Science

and the Common Good
Collegeville, PA

Vanderbilt University*
Residential Colleges A/B/C

Nashville, TN

Wayne State University–
Mike Ilitch School of

Detroit, MI

Wilfrid Laurier University–
The Lazaridis Hall Building

Waterloo, ON

Yale University*
Pauli Murray College

Benjamin Franklin College
New Haven, CT

York University–
Schulich School of Business

North York, ON

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